October 22 Workday Minutes

Minutes from October Workday

Weeding: blackberries still need weeding and was scheduled as a workday task.

Gazebo: did not find sandpaper so we will postpone sanding the floor for a makeup day.

Path Update: Path can’t be finished without Frank’s tools. He is out of the country. We will schedule a date to complete, and request one additional volunteer. Mary Kelly again expressed concern about the aesthetics of the path and her disagreement with the plan for completion, which was noted. Dinorah requested members’ patience and reiterated that the current condition is temporary.

Stage: the repair and/or replacement of the stage is postponed until next Spring as it has been confirmed that replacement will cost more than $500. In the meantime members are requested  to forward suggestions to the design committee. Alternative plans will be drawn up and presented to members for a vote in Spring 2013. We also now have an opportunity to seek grant funding to complete the project. Anyone interested should contact the Steering Committee.

Shed: task to clear out the flea market items from the East shed to make room for the chairs.

Pruning: Last workday, there were complaints that the fig tree was overpruned. Marc De Rocco, pruning committee chair, was contacted by the steering committee and agreed that pruning will only take place if expressly instructed by the steering committee. Jean asked to trim the top of the fig tree a bit and will trim back the crab apple tree.

Gift Tree: A gift (linden?) tree that was planted a few years ago in a community bed near the East Garden’s east wall is now overgrown and threatens our neighbor’s building. The current location was meant to be temporary, but it was never transplanted and now must be removed. It is likely that the tree will be destroyed. Members voted to remove the tree. Steering Committee will coordinate with Christine Barrow, who is in charge of the bed, to remove the plantings temporarily, so the tree can be removed without destroying any plantings.

Clean Up Day: Jean proposed a clean up day be added to the calendar for next season. Best days would be the weekend after Halloween/Harvest Festival.

Finances: Treasurer, Ariel Behring, gave the finance report. We are low in funds versus other years. Our current balance is around $3600. As we have been spending down our balance by about $2000 per year, the current budget is not sustainable. Ideas for raising funds include one or more of the following

-raising member dues
-budgeting more carefully
-more active grant committee
-allowing advertising (on website and/or event posters)
-pursuing more paid events, like film shoots and weddings

Additional suggestions and volunteers are welcome.

Wedding: Kim Maitland gave the wedding planner who requested use of the garden in June 2013 a quote of $1500 and did not get a response. It is likely that they are no longer interested. Kim noted that the Delay on our part was due to needing member approval, since the event would have required use of both gardens.

Plot numbers: A member complained that the plot numbers that were painted on beds is unattractive. Another member noted that some of the numbers we’re wrong. Dinorah noted that after the last bed audit, some plot numbers did change, but she would have a workday group verify the numbers and create a plan for a more aesthetic paint job.

Halloween decorations: there will be a separate date on Sunday 1-4 pm to hang Halloween decorations. Any donations appreciated. (Note, Dinorah Matias and Paula McKenzie put up almost all the Halloween Decor on Saturday October 20.)

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